Under the Time’s Up Act, nearly all Connecticut employers are required to provide sexual harassment prevention training for all employees, including supervisors and non-supervisors. The original deadline for complying with the training requirement was October 1, 2020.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with Executive Order 7DDD, the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (“CHRO”) allowed employers to request a one-time 90-day extension of the deadline, provided the extension was received by September 9, 2020.
Following Governor Lamont’s recent extension of the declaration of public emergency, and based on the related Executive Order 9A, the CHRO has announced that the October 1, 2020 deadline has been extended to January 1, 2021. This is a blanket extension and does not require a request.
Carmody Continues to Provide Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Options
In response to client demand, we continue to schedule sexual harassment training sessions for employers via WebEx. Our next session is scheduled for September 25, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. If you would like to register employees for this session, please click here.
Please stay tuned for an announcement of additional training dates and special pricing for the remainder of the year. Also, Carmody lawyers have been asked to present training through various industry groups.
If you have any questions or would like more information about these various training options, please contact any member of our Labor and Employment Team below:
D. Charles Stohler
(203) 575-2626; cstohler@carmodylaw.com
Giovanna T. Weller
(203) 575-2651; gweller@carmodylaw.com
Domenico Zaino, Jr.
(203) 578-4270; dzaino@carmodylaw.com
Alan H. Bowie
(203) 784-3117; abowie@carmodylaw.com
Stephanie E. Cummings
(203) 575-2649; scummings@carmodylaw.com
Maureen Danehy Cox
(203) 575-2642; mcox@carmodylaw.com
Pamela Elkow
(203) 252-2672; pelkow@carmodylaw.com
Vincent Farisello
(203) 578-4284; vfarisello@carmodylaw.com
Sarah S. Healey
(203) 578-4225; shealey@carmodylaw.com
Lauren M. Hopwood
(203) 784-3104; lhopwood@carmodylaw.com
Timothy S. Klimpl
(203) 252-2683; tklimpl@carmodylaw.com
Howard K. Levine
(203) 784-3102; hlevine@carmodylaw.com
Mark F. Williams
(203) 575-2618; mfwilliams@carmodylaw.com
Sherwin M. Yoder
(203) 784-3107; syoder@carmodylaw.com
Ann H. Zucker
(203) 252-2652; azucker@carmodylaw.com